The Allergy & Asthma Organization of Kenya Member Alliance (AAOKMA) is a group of Kenyans who have asthma, or have someone in their life affected by asthma and allergies. As an AAOKMA member, you help contribute to AAOKENYA’s goals across Kenya, including: 

  • Promote public awareness of asthma and proper education and management for all Kenyans with asthma and respiratory allergies.
  • Engage in crucial advocacy initiatives to improve public policy change which help protect the health, safety and well-being of those with asthma and allergies.
  • Encourage and support research with the collective goals of being able to better treat and manage asthma and to eventually eradicating the disease.

By becoming an AAOKMA member (which is free!) you are connected to asthma research and current events from across Kenya at all times.

Benefits of joining AAOKMA includes: 

  • Access to the AAOKMA-only section of AAOKENYA’s website which includes a private online discussion board to share experiences with people who also have asthma and respiratory allergies. 
  • AAOKENYA’s quarterly e-newsletters with regular asthma news and AAOKENYA updates. Each issue is packed with the latest information and developments in asthma research and treatments. 
  • A growing advocacy group to help ensure that Kenyans with asthma have a voice and participate in advocacy initiatives. 
  • Ongoing support through the services provided by AAOKENYA. 
  • Choosing your own level of involvement and ways to engage with AAOKENYA including participating in community events, fundraising, advocacy, research and education. 
  • Comradery, knowledge exchange, and a feeling of purpose as you connect with other Kenyans with asthma and respiratory allergies!

Register here to join AAOKMA!